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Controls scale, aphids, mealybug and mites on roses, ornamentals, citrus and other fruit trees.
How It Works
This product blocks the breathing pores of insects causing suffocation and rapid death. Thorough coverage of pests is therefore essential.
Controls scale, aphids, mealybug and mites on roses, ornamentals, citrus and other fruit trees.
• May be used indoors as well as outdoors.
• Can be used as a leaf shine to give indoor plants a nice gloss to the leaves.
• Withholding period is only one day.
• Low toxicity to humans and wildlife.
• Child resistant cap.
• Easy to use measure pack.
Petroleum oil
Failure to control insects could be due to improper coverage or rain following within 24 hours of spraying. Dead scale may remain on the plants for a few weeks after spraying.