Selleys Roof & Gutter Ezi Press is easy to use – simply press the lever to apply – no caulking gun required. It provides a superior waterproof seal and excellent UV and weather resistance. Ideal for roofing, guttering and flashing outside the home.
Best for: Aluminium, Sheet Metal, Copper, Brass, Galvanised Metals, Rigid PVC and most plastics including polystyrene, Terracotta, Concrete, Glazed tiles, BlueScope Steel decorative sheet metals such as Lysaght Zincalume and COLORBOND
Best for: Aluminium, Sheet Metal, Copper, Brass, Galvanised Metals, Rigid PVC and most plastics including polystyrene, Terracotta, Concrete, Glazed tiles, BlueScope Steel decorative sheet metals such as Lysaght Zincalume and COLORBOND
- No caulking gun required
- Easy to hold and use
- Superior waterproof seal
- 100% silicone - resists cracking, crumbling or peeling away
- UV and weather resistant
- Precision application for the best finish