Snapbean Dwarf Stringless
- Stringless
- Extremely Crisp
- Sweet & Tender
Climate Guide
- Tropical & Sub-Tropical All Year Around
- Temperate Spring to Late Summer
- Cool Mid Spring to Mid Summer
How to Grow
Full sun
Direct where seeds are to grow in damp soil. Cover with Yates Seed Raising Mix and firm down. Do not water for a couple of days after sowing. Best results are achieved when soil temperature is consistently above 20 degrees Celsius.
Choose a sunny, well-drained position and add Thrive Granular All Purpose Fertiliser for best results. Hill up soil around growing plants for support. Apply Yates Thrive Soluble Fertiliser regularly and pick beans young for maximum yield. Surplus beans can be frozen for later use. Protect from snails with Yates Blitzem.