Cucumber Continental
- Sweet & slender
- Versatile
- Perfect for salads or sandwiches
Climate Guide
- Tropical & Sub-Tropical - Spring & Autumn
- Temperate - Spring & Autumn
- Cool - Late Spring & Summer
How to Grow
Full sun
For early sowing, raise in pots of Yates Seed Raising Mix in a well-lit, protected spot. Transplant after 3-4 weeks. For direct sowing press 4-5 seeds into mounds of moist soil 40cm apart. Later thin to the two strongest plants. Plants can also be sown next to a supporting trellis or tripod (approx 1.5m).
Grow in a sunny, well-drained position. Prepare soil by adding Yates Blood & Bone. Water regularly (to avoid bitter fruit) at plant base and apply Yates Thrive Soluble Plant Food every two weeks. Protect from snails and slugs with Yates Blitzem Snail & Slug Pellets.
Great companion plant for basil, beans, broccoli, carrots, corn, lettuce, potatoes, parsnip, radish and tomatoes. Pick fruit regularly to prevent them getting tough.