The next generation solution replacing Success Naturalyte, Success ULTRA helps keep your garden plants from being attacked by common caterpillars plus other insect pests like thrips, codling moth, pear & cherry slug and citrus leaf miner.
• Highly effective formulation that controls caterpillars on key crops; tomatoes, herbs, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
• Controls codling moth on apples and pears.
• Other insect pests controlled: thrips, citrus leaf miner, pear & cherry slug, tomato leaf miner, leaf rollers.
• Low toxic formulation makes for use on edible plants.
• Contact and residual control of pests – Control insect pests on contact and prevent pests that feed at night or early morning.
• Contains spinetoram, the latest generation insect control derived from beneficial soil bacteria.
• Spinetoram has translaminar movement, which means it moves into the leaf, making the solution resistant to rain and sunlight six hours after application.
• Short withholding period on some crops means minimal waiting.
• Spinetoram