GOGO Juice is teeming with microbiology and is essentially a pro-biotic for your soil and plants. These microbes activate the natural processes that occur in the soil, speeding up the decomposition of the residual organic and mineral compounds, ultimately increasing the nutrient availability and stimulating growth.
GOGO Juice combines the ‘catalystic’ power of the billions of beneficial bacteria along with the well documented benefits of applying kelp, seaweed, fish, humic acid and manure. Hence, you are not only feeding your plants with all the goodness of a wide range of organic nutrients, but you are also providing your soil with the “workers” (beneficial bacteria) that assist in breaking down the organic matter, maximising the nutrients available to
your plants.
GOGO Juice combines the ‘catalystic’ power of the billions of beneficial bacteria along with the well documented benefits of applying kelp, seaweed, fish, humic acid and manure. Hence, you are not only feeding your plants with all the goodness of a wide range of organic nutrients, but you are also providing your soil with the “workers” (beneficial bacteria) that assist in breaking down the organic matter, maximising the nutrients available to
your plants.