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DSATCO PiggyPost Compost & Soil Improver 20L


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      • HOW TO USE
      • Piggypost is a soil amendment product, that increases the soil carbon content. The ideal soil carbon content is 5%.

      For best results in one application, a mix ratio of 2 parts soil to 1 part Piggypost. For continuous results, application of a weaker ratio annually, maximises results.

      We recommend 15–20 kg per mature tree annually, and 2kg per mature rose bush or shrub. A distribution in vegetable gardens of 20kg per sq metre. A 14L bag of Piggypost weighs about 11kg.

      • Adds Nutrients
        Piggypost has a range of nutrients in a natural form, enhanced during the extensive composting process of pig manure, over 12 months. The nutrients are in a readily available form for your plants.

      • Saves Water
        Piggypost enhances the life within the soil which will help retain and make the most of the water going into the garden. Applying DSATCO mulch over top of the garden bed will further increase water savings.

      • Increases Soil Biology
        Piggypost is filled with living microbes that enhances the life of your plants and soil. Piggypost is around 70% humus which helps creates a perfect environment in your soil for worms and other macro biology.

      • Environmentally Friendly
        Adding Piggypost to your garden improves the soil with natural sources of nutrients and fertilisers. By utilising animal manure, this becomes ecologically sustainable. The compost process eliminates all unwanted pathogens and odour.

      • Builds Soil Structure
        Piggypost instantly adds a healthy organic amount of nutrients and carbon. It promotes living matter in the soil, resulting in healthy soil and healthy plants.