• No Drips
• Hot & Cold Water
• Easy Turn Off
• Straight Retrofit
• Long-Lasting
• Tested in Excess of 17 Years Home
• Use Eliminates Sudden Washer Failure
• Australian Patented (No. 723590) United Kingdom (2321949) United States (6354565)
Since its release in 1998, the DoustValve has achieved major sales results and is now largly regarded as AUSTRALIA’S NUMBER ONE TAP WASHER. Doust Plumbing Products receive many calls and letters as testimony to the advertised claims on the packaging. The main comments are “It’s so easy to turn on and off” and of course if you have a heavy-handed individual in your household, they can’t damage the DoustValve. The bladder just falls inside the protective outer housing, then the water pressure actually makes the seal. That’s drip-proof technology at work. This exclusive patented technology is only available in the DoustValve. The legendary endurance of DoustValve in high use or commercial installations makes having DoustValves installed in your own home a must.
There are many designs, but the DoustValve is the only compression tap washer in the world that you cannot damage by over-tightening. Positive proof, millions have been sold and exported by reputation around the world since its release in 1998. Therefore, millions of happy customers cannot be wrong.
Old Washer DoustValve
What more the DoustValve is Australian.