A full bodied Oil for the nourishment and protection of all external exposed timbers*. Tung & other vital plant oils/ extracts have been impregnated with refined bees-wax and UV ray absorbing Oxides & UV rated colour enhancers, to guard against exposure, degradation & wood rot. With new Hardwood timbers appraise the use of Organoil’s Woodguard prior to using a full bodied oil.
Exterior timber Decking, Joists/Bearers, Cladding, Railings/Posts, Fencing, Screens, Shutters and BBQ Trolleys.
* This product is NOT suitable for use on tongue and groove verandah flooring or internal flooring.
Colours Available:
Standard- Semi Transparent results in a honey brown, producing a minimal colour change to the natural timber colour.
Red Highlighter- A semi transparent finish with additional UV protection. Recommended for use on Red/ Pink Timber species
Gold Highlighter- A semi transparent finish with additional UV Protection recommended to enhance light coloured timbers with a yellow undertone
Jarrah- A heavy weight pigmented oil resulting in a solid cover look suited to Treated Pine or old weathered Hardwoods. Not suited to new Hardwoods